Key Features to Look for When Choosing an Offerwall

Offerwalls can benefit your app or site by boosting ad revenue, increasing retention and getting more in-app purchases. 

These are all great, but they’re based on the benefits for you.

Forgetting about the user, and focusing on your benefits is an extremely common mistake that companies make, not just when it comes to choosing an offerwall.

Apart from the most basic questions you can ask yourself, like:

  1. Can my business benefit from an offerwall?
  2. Does my platform have a virtual economy?
  3. How will the new integration affect my current revenue model?

You should also take into consideration 3 key features that will make your decision more fact-based.


User Experience

Let’s face it, if your users aren’t happy, it doesn’t matter how great your offering is. The easiest fix for this? Focusing on user experience.

One of the top aspects to look for is element placement. It’s great to have something innovative, but you don’t want to go overboard: there’s a reason why some common practices are so popular.

Stick to what feels natural to the user - can they reach all the key elements without stretching their fingers excessively (in the case of mobile offerwalls)?

Next is simplicity, which doesn’t always have to be boring. In this case, it’s all about the logical flow of actions within the offerwall - can the user navigate it without having to do cartwheels?

Traditional offerwall vs. Revlum App Wall

On the left, you can see an example of a traditional offerwall experience. Revlum is on the right, showing its variety of formats through a slick interface, behaving on-trend, and conversion optimized. These are the features to look for when catering to the needs of the digital-native users. 

Finally, content is king. You could have the best site/app in the world, but the wrong offerwall can ruin it for you. A good offerwall will have content that builds trust, increases credibility, boosts customer retention & loyalty. 

Revlum App Wall (offerwall on steroids) users have 5-7x higher retention, and are 10-15x more likely to make in-app purchases compared to those who aren’t using an offerwall. 

These metrics are attributed to the user friendly design of the offerwall, but another key feature are the ads that are displayed.


Relevant ads

Apart from having an intuitive interface, you need to make sure that the offerwall will provide your audience with challenges (ads) that are relevant to their interests.

The logic behind it is pretty simple: relevant ads = increased satisfaction & higher retention rate.

If you still can’t understand why relevant ads are important for customer satisfaction, try to take a walk in their shoes.

Have you ever gotten an ad that is completely irrelevant to you, but you had to sit through it, completely annoyed? I’ll take a wild guess and assume your answer is yes. That’s how your users feel.

So cut the cr*p and start thinking about how your typical user reacts to content displayed within your website/app.


Interactive content

The year is 2022, and your grandparents are telling you about the good old times when websites were static and the only thing you could do is scroll.

There’s a reason those websites are a thing of the past: they su*k, and the same goes for offerwalls.

Interactive content will capture & hold the users attention while also providing an overall more pleasant experience for your customers.

If you’re still not convinced or sure why these features will benefit your customers, think about the long-term impact of delivering more valuable content.


And if you’re a visual learner, check out our App Wall demo to get a taste of the real thing.